Our operations team handles logistics, procurement, marketing, sponsorship, merchandise, and finances.
Rachel Xie is a junior from San Ramon, California, majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics. She started as a mechanical rookie in her freshman year, but look at where she is now:) The big question for her is Ops or Mech?
Vivi Li is a senior from Vernon Hills, Illinois, majoring in Computer Science and Cognitive Science. She is a member of the Operations team. Before moving to the U.S. for high school, Vivi lived in Chengdu, China her entire life and still loves spicy food to death. Last semester, Vivi learned that snails can take a nap for as long as three years.
Aaron Tsui is a junior majoring in Computer Engineering. He is a member of the operations team.
Kunwoo Kim is a junior from Michigan, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He is a member of the Operations team. He is the team's in-house designer, but happy to be an engineering major.
Peter is a junior from Los Angeles, California, studying mechanical engineering and computer science. He is a member of the mechanical team and the operations team. He loves working out, which also contributes to him having a large appetite. He can finish a whole Chipotle bowl in 5 minutes!
Ryan He is a junior from Bethesda, Maryland, majoring in Electrical Engineering. He is a member of the electrical hardware and operations teams. He is still going through his emo phase and will get very excited if you talk to him about his favorite bands.
Alex Zhao is a sophomore from Orange County, California, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He is a member of the Mechanical and Operations team. He loves but is not great at surfing and claims he is 6 feet which is a disputed fact.
Elizabeth Jia is a sophomore from Princeton, NJ in the Vagelos Life Sciences and Management (LSM) dual-degree program majoring in Neuroscience and concentrating in Finance. She is a member of the Operations team and has very double-jointed elbows.